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2020 Election

This year's presidential election is approaching quickly and just like all elections, it's an important one. Message of Hope is not committed to persuading your political opinion. However, we are committed to ensuring that everyone who can vote DOES. Below is information regarding voter information, volunteer opportunities, and important dates. Contrary to some beliefs, YOUR VOTE DOES COUNT. We are here to ensure there is no intimidation or frustration tactics to prevent you from voting. Feel free to share this page with anyone you know. All information here was obtained from the Wake County Board of Elections site at

Am I Registered?

A great way to determine your voter registration status is by visiting and entering your information. Once you search your information, click on the "Voter Details" section and look for your "Status". 

How Do I Register?

You can download this form and follow the instructions at the bottom of the second page to submit the form. You can also visit the Wake County Board of Elections Office and register there. The address is 1200 N New Hope Rd, Raleigh, NC 27610. and their number is (919) 404-4040

Where Do I Vote?

A great way to determine your voting poll place is by visiting and entering your information. Once you search your information, click on the "Election Day Polling Place" section and look for the address.

How Can I Volunteer?

You can volunteer as a Precinct Official, a paid position, by visiting


Election day is November 3rd, 2020. You will vote at the location mentioned in the voter registration lookup tool mentioned in the "Where do I Vote" section above. 


Early voting dates are listed below. To learn more about where you can ealry vote, visit

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